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Photography by Elias Ericson

Elias Ericson
Super Queer Artsy Blog

CQ: You do art and it is amazing--how do you describe your style?
EE: Wow, thank you! Describing ones own style is a hard thing to do, but I suppose I would describe my style as cartoony. I'm very inspired by different comic and cartoon artists, so it's only natural that I end up drawing this way. Of course, I take influences from other kinds of artists as well, even classic painters.


CQ: What inspired your art? What fuels your passion? And this particular style?
EE: I'm inspired by pretty much all things around me, especially queer matters, other people in general and different social justice issues.
Comics and art is a great medium for communicating. As a queer person, I feel that my stories might be important for other people like me who haven't learned so much about being queer yet. I remember being a kid, being confused about who I was because there was no information available about people like me. My stories go out to all of those people, and it is always so lovely when people write to me telling me that they feel empowered by my portrayals of queer folk. Knowing that I make a change in someone fuels my passion.


CQ: Describe your life growing up—significant events, discovering your identity and coming out, and anything else you think is relevant to being a contemporary queer.
EE: Despite having a gay uncle, I wasn't very educated about queer matters growing up. I found out about the existence of the term "transgender" when I was fourteen, and it explained everything. It terrified me. I spent about two years being ashamed and as far back in the closet as one possibly could be. When I started a new school at 16, I came out to everyone about being trans and gay. For the first time in my life I could feel completely honest about myself.

CQ: I've noticed an amazing amount of ethnic diversity in your art. Is this a conscious choice on your part to be inclusive or did it just flow out that way?
EE: It absolutely started out being a conscious choice, since I think diversity and representation in all its forms is extremely important. I aim to educate myself further and get better at including other minorities in my art.

trans:it, superqueerartsyblog, elias ericson

​​CQ: I've seen on your blog Super Queer Artsy Blog that you collaborated with another artist to create a comic book called Trans:it that you're selling. Is it your first? What's it about? Where can people buy it? Do you plan on any sequels or other titles? What inspired it?
EE: Trans:it isn't me just collaborating with another artist; it's me collaborating with 26 more artists and one writer! It's a huge project which I was glad to participate in, and also the first book in which my work was published. It's an autobiographical work about a transvestite's journey coming out and accepting their own queer identity. You can buy it on many different sites, but I would absolutely love it if you bought it from me and my boyfriend (whose work is also in the book), as we have a bunch of copies for sale: that way, you'll get it signed as well! ;) Contact information can be found on my tumblr blog!


CQ: What's are your plans for the future?
EE: I plan to move in with my boyfriend, study, improve my art and writing, get to know more queer people and have one of my longer stories published. 


CQ: What advice do you have for aspiring artists, especially for those whose subject matter is queer?
EE: Dare to speak up for yourself! Being part of a minority, people will try to silence you. Don't let them. Speak your mind and bring up subjects you find important. Have lots of fun, and most importantly: truly and honestly believe in yourself and what you do.


CQ: Any last words? (That sounds extremely dramatic, I know, but I promise I'm not preparing to kill you or anything Hollywood-y like that. I mean, unless you'd like to have a friendly death match! :) )
EE: ...I'd probably not make a good Hollywood movie character as I'm not good with sassy last words! But I suppose I could use the moment to tell you all to have a nice day! <3

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